Monday, December 22, 2008










Saturday, December 20, 2008



Friday, December 19, 2008














Monday, December 15, 2008



亲情, 是我与家人与亲戚的感情! 今早,刚接获消息告知我的亲戚不幸去世了,她被病折磨了数几月了。在短短的一个星期,有两位亲人不幸逝世。此刻的心情是难受的,毕竟,生离死别。。。我至今依然无可看得开,放得下。在这,衷心祈祷他们安息。。。

友情,是我与朋友之间的感情!何谓知心朋友? 是所谓的有难同担,有福同享吗?曾经,我有从小学一起玩闹到中学的好朋友, 任何事情都可以畅谈一番的。但随着流逝的岁月,个有个的忙,各自的目标,造成渐渐的疏忽,生疏了。犹记得当初他要出国深造时,千叮万附的要第一时间告知我,当他回国时。

当这次他回国了,我却蒙在鼓里,我全然不知。他没有告诉我。。。 我是从朋友们得知的。顿时,我是伤心的,失望的。我至今仍非常看重这一段友情,放不下它。 为何我可以全心全意的去对待一个人,但他却不是如此。。。

我害怕失去,我怕去面对。所以,我不敢去拥有它。。。 爱情如此,友情也如此。

我不敢全心全意的去对待朋友,不敢投入太多的感情。。。害怕,害怕当我非常重视那段友情时, 得到的,却是事与愿违的。害怕是"不是对方不在乎,而是我把对方看得太重了。"



爱情,与友情一样。。。 曾经,有过一段感情, 对方为我全心全意,但我却无动于衷。 对方为我做了很多事情, 但我却不领情。。。 最后,对方放弃了,她说她累了。。。。

我至今才领悟当中的痛楚,很不好受。。 和我那段友情是相同的。。。

感言: 亲情-珍惜与家人相处的时刻,好好相聚。。。。


Thursday, December 4, 2008


2 December of 2008....2 days ago, i was make known by my parents that my uncle had passed away this morning. The news had shocked me as it is happen without my expectation. My uncle was healthy always when he still alive, suddenly such incident had happen on him and it really made me sad. The news is unbelievable for me and i cant really accept the fact.

My parents told me that the incident was happening too sudden as where my uncle was fell down from a chair when he was trying to have a sit after walked to the kitchen and had a drink in the midnight. It had hurt my uncle and my uncle was injured. During that time, my uncle still conscious and my aunt had accompany him to had a proper seat. Later on, my uncle was saying that he was tired and lay down on the chair and then fall asleep. My aunt's feeling was not well and tried to wake my uncle up. That time, my uncle was unconscious and din wake up anymore. He passed away.

Uncle, I always pray for you....god bless you always....

3 Dec of 2008..... I was receiving an e-mail from my internship application's company. Unfortunately, I was informed that I were being rejected to be the company's trainee. It is a bad news for me since i cant step closer and working in my desired company. I m still wonder why I am not qualified to be one of the staff of the company. I was disappointing.

Fortunately and surprisingly, I had saw my friend name was listed at the company's acceptance name list. I was happy to heard for it and I hope that he is able to do his best in performing his job and task within the organization. Exposure to the gaining of new experiences can help him to develop and improve his skills. friend...

4 Dec of 2008... a day which was frightening me as I need to proceed myself to an international company to have an interview in competing to get the internship trainee position. At the time before the interview, i had received a lot of regards n support from my friends.

Those regards include "All the best for your interview....", "do whatever you have to do. Be confident for yourself and person who care your best there. all the best and good luck.", "everything will be fine and dun worry, be confidence yourself because我说你行你就行."........

The interview had come to an end and it brought an adverse outcome. I was being rejected as well and i really sad. I kept blaming myself why i so useless, how come i cannot make all of the thing run smoothly, such a small matter thing also cannot handle well.....

I had disappointed my parents, my brother, my sister and my friends. They had put in a higher expectation on me and it turn out with a results that was really make them down.

Sorry I cant make it....... let the time gone.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My horoscope!!! Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

R u think below is the best to describe me? A portion .....

He is a good listener and can understand everything easily and clearly. He can guess what you will say before you even say it. I can be a good listener but i cant guess what people will say... hoho

He often shakes his head or touch his hair. He is a big built, but he will tend to have a small ear. He tends to have a darker shade of hair and eyes' color. He will likely have a short and strong neck, broad shoulder, muscular, strong hands and grips. He has a shorter fingers compare to the man of the same size and same height in the other zodiac. His hands can work well at the same time can protect and care for his woman. Is it true? wakaka.......

He will walk firmly and always take a big long step. As he walks he will look around in caution with no disturbance from his problems at present or in the past. He likes to watch things built with fascinate and wonder about how it is done, so you could see him watching a construction site and not get bored.

Green is his favorite color.You will mostly see him wear green, navy, blue, or brown. In all 12 Zodiacs, he is the one who can get the most satisfaction from possession of beautiful thing, and cherish it as if it is very valuable to him even it is just a crystal ball made in France. Agree!!! I love green color very much....I really appeciate what i possess now...

It is his luck that he hardly has to chase after woman. They always come themselves without his invitation. He likes to treat his guest in his house than visiting his guest at their house. Haha.....such incident have not occurred in my life yet....

He does not like to be a center of attention, so if you need his help, you have to look up for him. He lives his life in stability and simplicity. Every decision made are already "Sure" and carefully thought out. He will not do what he has been asked to do if he is not interested in doing it. He acts casually but in reality, he always doing things seriously. Exactly... i am doing thing seriously on those in my flavor with...

He loves peaceful and quiet environment so in his free time, he will stay at home instead of going out and look for adventure. He loves nature and dreams of a nice and quiet house with lots of trees, or he may dream of a house in a beautiful countryside. That my love...

He will let you have freedoms and watching you in a distance. If you are over doing something, he will let you know by his icy cold look. He is the perfect lover in all the Zodiac for nothing he will not do for his love one. He won't allow people to laugh at him or think he is a joker, so he will spent for himself luxury for what it is worth. In reality, many people are laughing at me, but what for is to make all happy.... ntg for me....

He likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be a slop if you are dating this guy. If you do that he will loose his face. He is the romantic type who would dance with you under the moon light. Am i romantic... wakaka.... i am nope...

Love will make him shines and you will see it in his face. He will not say it out loud, you have to know it yourself. Mayb i really is this kind of people.... i noe....